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Official Statement on LOSOM Approval

The Everglades Foundation released the following statement, attributed to its CEO Eric Eikenberg, regarding the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) August 12, 2024 signing of the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) Record of Decision:


“Today, Lake Okeechobee finally has a plan for water management that considers all water users in South Florida. For the first time in nearly a century, the water in Lake Okeechobee will be prioritized for the many and not for the narrow interests of a special few. 


With today’s official adoption, LOSOM will become the guide used by the Corps to govern Lake Okeechobee until the Central Everglades Planning Project (CEPP) is complete. LOSOM will provide the Corps with the flexibility required to address water needs and capitalize on opportunities to send water south. This plan will significantly reduce harmful discharges of polluted lake water to our east and west coasts, and increase water flow south to the Everglades and Florida Bay, particularly in the dry season. 


Everglades restoration focuses on reinstating the flow of clean freshwater south through the River of Grass and into Florida Bay. Vital projects like the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) Reservoir are necessary to provide added capacity to store the desperately needed freshwater that South Florida relies on for its environment and economy.


As the Corps maximizes the opportunity in LOSOM to send water south to the Everglades in the dry season, we will continue to advocate for water storage, treatment,and conveyance infrastructure to ensure we are sending water south while protecting the coastal estuaries from harmful discharges from Lake Okeechobee. This is a significant step forward in our ongoing efforts to restore and protect America’s Everglades.


Special thanks to Colonel Andrew Kelly (Ret.), Colonel James Booth (Ret.), Colonel Brandon Bowman, Major General Jason Kelly, and Brigadier General Daniel Hibner for shepherding LOSOM from start to finish.”


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