Naples, Fla. September 11, 2019 — The Everglades Foundation CEO Eric Eikenberg today issued the following statement in response to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis asking the Florida Legislature to establish a recurring revenue stream for Everglades restoration, clean water, springs protection and other environmental needs of $625 million annually for each of the next three years.
“Today’s announcement is a dream come true for all of us who cherish our Everglades, clean water, natural springs, pristine beaches and other natural resources.
“With this announcement, Governor DeSantis has again shown that he is a true environmental steward in the model of President Theodore Roosevelt — and that he is as good as his word.
“Governor DeSantis announced on his second day in office a $2.5-billion commitment to Florida’s environmental needs over four years, and today’s announcement is in keeping with that priority. The Governor has been steadfast in keeping his promises to the millions of Floridians who support Everglades restoration and the tourism-dependent businesses in this state.
“We are grateful, and we look forward to working with Senate Appropriations Chairman Rob Bradley and the Florida Legislature to move this important investment forward.”